
We accept most major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express) as well as Paypal. All payment information is transferred from your computer to our servers using a secure, encrypted protocol (https). We may require additional identification verification for international and/or large orders.


All orders made on are subject to review. Inventory issues are possible, and an order received email does not guarantee that your order is confirmed. An order is confirmed when the tracking is updated and the parcel is in transit.

Returns & Exchanges

See here

Order Cancellations & Edits

Once an order has been placed it cannot be modified. You may request to cancel your order but please note that order cancellations are not guaranteed and depend if they have entered the packing or shipment phases. Customers can cancel an order by emailing

If your cancellation is successful, a refund will be issued in the original form of payment. If you do not see a payment reversal on your statement within 2 days, please contact customer service.

Address updates can be requested but are not guaranteed. We strongly suggest double checking information before submitting your order.